1985 The Mikado

The Mikado 1985


The Mikado — John Dossett
Nanki-Poo — Robert Manley
Koko — Ron Fava
Pooh Bah– Rob Gawthrop
Pish-Tush– Ben Lovell
Yum Yum– Lorma Lopatin
Pitti-Sing– Joyce Williamson
Peep-Bo– Linda J. Farlow
Katisha — Lois Alt
A Noble– Dave DeGarmo
Chorus of School-girls, Nobles, Guards, and Coolies.

Stage Director– Susan Gray
Music Director– Allen Tweddle

“I’ve got a little list…”

First act finale

The Mikado of Japan

“Describe it” (Bill DeTurk, understudy for Pooh-Bah)

“I bared my big right arm”

“Now, you would have said that head was dead”

“See here, you! You have slain my love.”

Full Cast